Many times, the cerified intervention professional can advise family members or close friends of a person with a substance use disorder on successful techniques and ways of approaching the person so they will agree to get help. They have a disease and they need our help.
or call 864-430-1802
You may be familiar with the term, “intervention,” as it pertains to treatment for addiction, but you may be less familiar with interventionists themselves, or what is involved in the intervention process.
An intervention is a carefully planned experience, working closely with a clinical or intervention professional, usually initiated by the family and/or friends of someone struggling with substance abuse.
An intervention gathers a group of caring and concerned individuals together, to confront both the issue and the loved one, and to ask them to seek treatment.
An intervention is a structured experience, and typically involves:
Interventionists receive board certifications of varying levels, and are well versed in all aspects of addiction and recovery. Their credentials may include:
Interventionists typically have years of experience in the drug and alcohol treatment field, and often have a personal tie to addiction and recovery. Experts in the field, interventionists are familiar with behaviors associated with addiction, as well as with the complicated and complex relationships that accompany addiction.
Several different models exist in the field of intervention, including the ARISE Intervention Model, the Systemic or Family Systemic Intervention Model and the Johnson Model. It is important to understand which model your interventionist prefers, and to make sure it is most appropriate for your purposes.
The costs associated with interventionist services are often substantial, and the process is thorough and involved. It is important to note that insurance usually does not cover intervention costs.
Intervention costs typically run from $2,000 to $6,000.
We have a responsibility as family members, friends, employers, colleagues, physicians, educators, religious leaders and neighbors—to reach out to help those suffering with this disease and lead them back to substance abuse-free lives. The earlier we reach them, the greater our likelihood of success.